Lowther Park Cemetery
Jenolan Caves Road

Online Data

Lowther Park Cemetery is located on a private property, 3 kms. down a track into the valley behind the Lowther General Cemetery, which is beside the Jenolan Caves Road, 12.8 kms. from the turn off the Great Western Highway at Hartley.

Lowther Park was the first cemetery for the pioneers of the Hampton (former name ‘Upper Run') and Lowther district. Access was originally from the opposite Old Bathurst Road/ Rydal side. With the opening of the Jenolan Caves Road along the escarpment between Hampton and Hartley, burials began at the Lowther General Cemetery.

The small cemetery is fascinating for its peaceful, undisturbed setting on a hill in the valley and the fine examples of the monumental work of the period. The earliest graves are dated from 1839, with the last at 1910. Undoubtedly there are a number of unmarked graves. Although there is heavy undergrowth about the graves, in this instance it seemed to enhance the overall character of the place. There are the usual wombat holes and although no snakes were sighted on this visit, one should tread carefully. A large, curious Hereford bull arrived and stood nearby.

Visitors will need to seek permission and directions to the cemetery from the property owner. And as always in the country, please be sure to re-shut all gates.

The Cemetery comes under the auspices of Lithgow City Council, 180 Mort Street, Lithgow NSW 2790; telep: (02) 6352 1077

email: council@lithgow.nsw.gov.au

Contributed by John Miller, 2 April 2006
Total records = 20


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