Cassilis Roman Catholic Cemetery
Llangollen Road

Australian Cemeteries Index

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Headstones in this cemetery date from 1876 to the present day. We found the grounds in excellent condition, despite the drought conditions, with grass cut and trimmed and the graves all well tended which is a credit to those responsible for its maintenance. There was only one fallen stone (still intact and able to be remounted) and no signs of vandalism, although several of the older monuments were rather difficult to decipher.

Jean and I visited the cemetery on 13 May 2004 and made digital images and took notes of every visible inscription. In compiling the list, we also referred to the NSW indexes of births deaths and marriages to establish some of the difficult to read names and dates and for further information.

How to find it

Cassilis is a small village just off the Golden Highway between Merriwa and Dunedoo. After turning into Cassilis Road from the highway, it is 2 km to the village centre. Just past the old Royal Hotel in Buccleuch Street, the Catholic Church of St Joseph will be seen on the right hand side near the intersection with Llangollen Road (Scott Street). The cemetery is located on the slope behind the church.

Administration details

Cassilis is within the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. Enquiries should be directed to the Diocesan Office, 841 Hunter Street, Newcastle West (PO Box 780, Newcastle 2300); phone 4979 1100


Reg & Jean McDonell
Count 143



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