Captain's Flat Cemetery

Latitude: 35º 35' S longitude: 149º 27' E

Online Data

The Heraldry & Genealogy Society of Canberra Inc.

Location: The Captain's Flat cemetery is located along the Braidwood Road. 3.5 klms from the Captain's Flat Post Office. At the 3.5 klm mark, opposite as sign for the Ourium property you need to take a right hand turn on to a bush track. Follow the track for a further 0.7 klms and the cemetery will appear on the left hand side of the track.

The cemetery is made up of two clear portions Catholic and Church of England. There is also a Methodist and Presbyterian section but it is unclear where they are located as no headstones exist in those sections. The cemetery is a fine example of an Australian bush cemetery with gum trees and scrubby bushes growing between the graves. This is evident especially in the Church of England section. (see photo)

The Cemetery is administered by the Greater Eastern Capital City Council. (formerly the Yarrowlumla Shire). Burials no longer take place in the cemetery and the last burial taking place in the 1960's. The earliest found record is dated 1868 with the earliest headstone dated 23 November 1891.
Many graves are unmarked and records have been located from various sources, such as newspapers, Register of Births Deaths and Marriage indexes, Death Certificates, Family History etc.

Names Located:141


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These pages were produced by P.Applebee ©2004