Adelaide's West Terrace Cemetery

Afghan (Mohommedan) Section

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This small area, as with the Druses allotment, is part of the General Cemetery and does not have independent control as was the case with the Jewish, Catholic and Society of Friends Cemeteries.

Lease 4699 was issued to Faez/Faiz Mahomet in 1896 for a piece of ground 36 feet by 27 feet. He transferred the lease to the Mahommedan Congregation of South Australia for the use "of the faithful of Islam". By 1925 this area was practically full and Rahan Bukksh on behalf of the Congregation wrote to the Cemetery Superintendent on the 3rd February 1925 for additional ground. A new lease 13032 was issued on the 4th June 1925 for an area equivalent to 16 allotment, immediately to the west of the original lease, for which the Congregation paid 58 pounds

Reference: S.A.Archives GRG 38/ Docket 149/1925.

Extract from:
"Inscriptions from West Terrace Cemetery Vol. II"
© 1984 Andrew G Peake









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