Narridy Cemetery


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The Narridy Cemetery was gazetted on 7-9-1872 Volume 234 Folio 67.

Four acres two roods thirty-seven perches.

The Trustees were—

James Grace – farmer

John Dixon – farmer

Alfred Parr – Licensed Victualler

John Porter – farmer

All were residents of Narridy on that date. The land transferred to the Narridy Council

25-5-1886 and reverted to Crown Land 9-7-1985. The first RECORDED burial is of Thomas Elliot Smart on 3-4-1885, however I believe burials would have occurred from the time of settlement i.e. 1871.

Notes on Narridy Cemetery researched by Russell and Liz Smart July 2007

69 Brandis Street Crystal Brook 5523. Ph 08 8636 2650


Information By
Russell and Liz Smart

These pages were produced by P.Applebee©2006