Inman Valley Bible Christian Cemetery

Main Road
Inman Valley


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This cemetery is located in the grounds of the current Inman Valley Uniting Church.  The Bible Christian Church was built in 1871. Permanent places of worship were erected by the Bible Christians and the Wesleyans in the Bald Hills area, which was closely settled.  The original Bible Christian Chapel was in Mr Nosworthy's paddock two hundred yards west of the Wesleyan Chapel.  It was said that on a still day the two congregations could hear each other singing. 

The Bible Christian Chapel, built in great haste, was opened even though the ceiling was not up nor the walls plastered.  So that posterity might be certain about priority, a stone was placed in the walls bearing the words 'Bible Christian Chapel 1859 - the first Chapel built in these hills'.  This church served a useful purpose for ten or eleven years, when the building was demolished, even the foundations dug up.  The stones and other useful materials were carted to Inman Valley to be used in the present Uniting Church, which was opened in 1871, when a Miss Thorn preached to an overflowing congregation.  A most violet thunderstorm which occurred on opening day was attributed by some to be the Judgement of God for having engaged a woman preacher.


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These pages were produced by P.Applebee©2006