Yan Yean Cemetery Trust

P.O. Box 409
Whittlesea 3757
03 9716 2619
"Carol's Headstone Photographs" 
Headstone Photos  





The land for the Yan Yean Cemetery , in Victoria was given in 1854 by Dr William Ronald who with David Johnston and George Sherwin, became the first trustees.

It is recorded that William Johnston, David's father who died on the 8th January 1855 aged 62 years was the first person buried in the Cemetery.  His grandson Alexander was re-interred from Heidelberg and buried in his grave.

The Sexton was W.H.Lockwood from 1869/77, the Engineer of the Shire of Whittlesea, the Sexton's office which is still standing,(1997), was built by David Johnston in 1873 at the cost of twenty two pounds eighteen shillings. Over 2,500 people are now buried in the cemetery.

Harry Willey 2011




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These pages were produced by P.Applebee©2011